SPECIALIZATIONAdvanced Cartography AREA OF RESEARCHAREA OF INTERESTCartographic Techniques , Statistical methods in Geography , Thematic Mapping and Surveying , Climatology, Social and Cultural Geography. PUBLICATIONSPublished a paper on “Female Literacy Status of Purulia, West Bengal” in the book named “Women’s Education in India” ISBN NO. 978-81-8342-480-6 .Year of publication 2018. Published a paper on “A Micro level Study of Local Peoples Dependency on Environment: East Kolkata Wetlands” in the book named “Environment and Education: Multi-Angled View” ISBN NO. 978-81-8342-468-4 .Year of publication 2017 Published a paper on “Biosphere reserve in India: A case study of Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve, Madhya Pradesh” in The Observer ISSN No: 2230-9525 Vol 52, Dept. of Geography, University of Calcutta, Year of publication 2015. SEMINAR & SYMPOSIAParticipated in the workshop on “Implementation of CBCS system in UG studies in Geography” held in Shri Shikshayantan College, in collaboration with the Faculty Council for Undergraduate Studies and Board of Undergraduate Studies in Geography, University of Calcutta on 8th May, 2018. Participated in three days National workshop on “Geospatial Data Analysis Using Open Source Software” organized by Department of Geography, Adamas University, Barasat,Kolkata-700126 from 17th -19th April, 2018. Participated in a workshop on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis” organized by International Benevolent Research Foundation in association with Indian Academic Researchers’ Association , Tiruchirapalli ; in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities, New Delhi held on 18-19 November , 2017. Participated in a workshop on “ A two days workshop cum hands-on training programme in Q-GIS” organized by the Applied Geospatial Solution on 31st March to 1 st April,2018 Participated in one day workshop on “Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Geographical Studies” organized by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur, Kolkata , held on 12th February, 2018 Participated in the special lecture on “Terrain Analysis-Theory and Practices” by Prof. Srikumar Chattopadhyay, held on 17th March,2018 at Asutosh College Participated in a seminar on “ Majuli :An Enigmatic Landscape in the Middle of Nowhere” organized by Dept. of Geography, University of Calcutta and Centre for studies in Spatial Realities and Cultural Discourses,(2016) by Prof. Someswar Bhowmik. Participated in a “National seminar on Development and Environmental Transformation” (2014), Dept. of Geography, University of Calcutta and obtained a certificate on a wall magazine named “Contamination of Ground water”. Presented a paper titled “Rural life of Bengal: Illustrated by some Novelist in Bengali Literature” in two days International Seminar on “Rural Development in India: Contemporary Reflection” By Rabindra Bharati University jointly with Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata, held on 26th – 27th April, 2018. Presented a paper titled “Status of Forest Cover in West Bengal” in two days National conference on “Contemporary Research Perspectives In Geography” By International Benevolent Research Foundation (Kolkata) in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Universities (New Delhi), held on Science City, Kolkata, on 17th -18th May, 2018. RESEARCH ACTIVITIESREFRESHERS & ORIENTATION COURSESEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESPainting ACHIEVEMENTSRanked 1 st class 1 st in B.Sc. examination in University of Calcutta, 2013. Ranked 1 st class 2 nd M.Sc. examination in University of Calcutta, 2015. Achieve college topper and university topper(B.Sc) medals from Vivekananda College for Women. UGC awarded “Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holder for the Year 2013-15”, Award Letter number : F.5-1/2013-15/ URH-2013-2015-6711 /(SA- III), Registration ID : URH-2013-2015-6711 STUDY MATERIALS
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