Surendranath College for Women
24, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kolkata 700009.
Estd.1948 NAAC B++ Accredited College
Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

Student Satisfaction Survey

Student Satisfaction Survey

Students’ Feedback Is An Essential Part Of Our Teaching Learning Process. Students can grade their satisfaction towards the Faculty, Teaching-Learning, and Evaluation Process and on the Overall Campus Life. The Information provided by the Students are kept confidential and used by IQAC for the Overall Quality Enhancement of the Teaching Learning Process. We have conducted the survey through Google Form. The report is analyzed in the Academic Meeting and an action taken report is drawn.

Grievances Exam

The online University examination necessitated the creation of a Grievances Exam Cell which is monitored by all teaching members, the cell deals with problems or grievances faced by students during the online examination. For Examination related grievances email at:

Anti Ragging Cell

The College has an Anti-ragging Cell headed by the Principal. This has been constituted as per the existing UGC norms. At the beginning of every academic year both the fresher’s and the senior students of the College are made aware of the ragging related rules and regulations by the Principal herself. The Cell, in its turn, directs the respective departments and the Students’ Union to keep close watch on the students and to report immediately the untoward incident, if any, for appropriate action.

For more information: Log in to


The West Bengal implements several top scholarship schemes in Bengal or needy and meritorious students. These scholarships usually include reimbursement of tuition fees, maintenance fees and other essentials allowances. The main motive behind these scholarships is to provide financial assistance to the students of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class, Minority, Disabled Welfare Communities etc. The Government of West Bengal and other private organization together offer several scholarships for meritorious and underprivileged students of the State. The key objective of each West Bengal scholarship is to encourage and motivate deserving students to pursue further studies in any financial constraint.

1. Students belonging to SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B community are awarded scholarships by the Backward Class Welfare Department of West Bengal Government as per Govt. rules and submission of properly filled in forms and documents at the concerned Govt. of W.B. Portal.

2. Kanyashree Prakalpa is a flagship State Government programme which seeks to improve the status and well being of girls, particularly those from socio-economic disadvantaged families through conditional cash transfers. Its aims are to ensure that girls stay in School and Colleges and delay their marriage till at least age 18. K-2, is a one-time grant of Rs. 25000 /- to be paid after a girl turns 18, proved that she was engaged in an academic or occupational pursuit and was unmarried.

3. The Chief Minister of West Bengal provides scholarships every year to the students. This scholarship is also known as ‘Nabanna Scholarship’. Those students who have scored 60% marks in Higher Secondary examination are eligible for this scholarship. The annual family income of the applicant should not exceed Rs. 60000/-

4. Swami Vivekananda Merit Scholarship has been managed/operated by the W. B. Govt. for the students who are not able to afford their fees. The scholarships are provided to the students who are studying the Under Graduation and Post-Graduation. This scholarship will help the students in getting a good education and overcoming related financial burdens. Those students have scored 75% marks in Higher Secondary examination are eligible for this scholarship. The annual family income of the applicant should not exceed 250000.


Students belonging to minority communities i.e. Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Muslim, Parsee & Sikh are eligible to apply for various Scholarship schemes to provide different scholarships – Merit-Cum-Means, Post Matric, Pre Matric and Talent support stipend (TSP) for poor and meritorious students.

For more details please visit website:
ICC (Please write Internal complaint Committee)


Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) related to the Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013)

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 has been introduced to address the rising instances of offences against women in workplaces in recent times. In pursuance of this act, Surendranath College for Women has formed its Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) . Erstwhile “The Cell for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment” has been revised to form the “Internal Complaints Committee” (ICC) in consonance with the name designated by the Act of 2013.

According to this Act (2013), “Sexual harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviours (whether directly or implied):-

Physical contact and advances; or
A demand or request for sexual favours; or
Making sexually coloured remarks; or
Showing pornography, or
Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature (for instance, remarks on the basis of colour, ethnic origin and sexual choices etc,).
Further, the following circumstances (among other circumstances) if it occurs or is present in relation to or connected with, any act or behaviour of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:-
1. Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment, or
Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment; or
Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status; or
Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her, or
Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
The ICC undertakes enquiries with regard to complaints of sexual harassment from aggrieved women employees and students (as defined Act 2013). The complaint is kept totally confidential and adequate protection is provided to the complainant, wherever necessary. Complaints are heard expeditiously while adhering to the principles of natural and moral Justice. Necessary recommendations are provided on the basis of the findings of the investigation. Under the aegis of Surendranath College for Women the ICC has planned to conduct gender- awareness and sensitization workshops in near future in collaboration with prominent NGOs.
Procedure for Lodging a Complaint
If any woman is a victim of sexual harassment (or perceives herself to be so), she can immediately contact any ICC member (personally or through telephone/ written request/ email) or lodge a written complaint and drop it in the box provided outside the Principal’s office. The complaint and the identity of the complainant will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.

Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal committees are formed with the purpose of providing a platform to the students to address their issues and get them resolved. Surendranath College for Women has a zero tolerance grievance redressal policy for students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college. The college has set up a Grievance Redressal cell to resolve student’s complaints in accordance with the policies established by the UGC.

• Grievances (academic or non-academic) can be submitted to the Grievance Redressal Cell by students. For this purpose, a special box has been set aside.

•A student who has been victimized can file a complaint online also.

• After checking the facts, the cell attempts to resolve the grievance within a reasonable time, preferably within a month of receiving the student’s application.

• When dealing with the complaint, the cell follows natural justice principles and hear the complainant and concerned people as needed.

• The cell may recommend any appropriate corrective actions that it seems necessary to avert future occurrences of similar grievances.

F or grievances Email at:

Green Initiatives